In 2019, the Prime Ministers of Australia and New Zealand issued a joint statement announcing the intent to adopt the Peppol Framework as the preferred eInvoicing standards for both countries. Uptake of eInvoicing is increasing rapidly with consistent statements of support and funding from both governments leading to over 30,000 ANZ registrations by late 2022.
Tickstar holds the majority of businesses registered on the Peppol Network in both Australia and New Zealand.
The Australian government has mandated all Commonwealth Government agencies to implement the capability to receive eInvoices. As an incentive, the Australian government committed to a 5-day payment deadline for contracts up to $1 million where both government agency and supplier are transacting over the Peppol network.
Tickstar is also listed as a suitable provider on the Australian Government’s Peppol Services and Capabilities Panel. This means Tickstar successfully met the additional security and business requirements to offer eInvoicing capabilities to any Federal, State and Local Government entity. Using this panel, government entities can directly procure Tickstar services through a streamlined procurement process.
The Australian Government has previously consulted in 2020 and 2021 regarding the potential of eInvoicing mandates and other regulatory measures to accelerate eInvoicing uptake in Australia.
Visit the Australian Peppol Authority website operated by the ATO to understand more about eInvoicing in Australia.
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Peppol is being heavily encouraged by governments as part of their eInvoicing strategy. As an incentive, the New Zealand government committed to a 10-day payment deadline for contracts up to NZD$1 million where both government agency and supplier are transacting over the Peppol network.
The New Zealand government has mandated all Central Government agencies to implement the capability to receive eInvoices. All suppliers to the New Zealand government are encouraged to adopt eInvoicing for sending invoices to the government. The New Zealand government has established targets for 90% of invoices to be received as a Peppol eInvoice by 1 July 2026.
Visit the New Zealand Peppol Authority website operated by the MBIE to understand more about eInvoicing in New Zealand.
Through working with major Australian companies, government bodies, and the Australian Peppol Authority, we know what it takes to deliver stunning Peppol services.